Clapham, London - Velfac Windows

Clapham, London - Velfac Windows

Clapham, London - Velfac Windows

Tue 25th Jan 2022

Upgrading White UPVC Tilt and Turn windows for a Velfac V200 timber and aluminium clad tilt and turn system to improve aesthetics and performance.

Clapham, London - Velfac Windows

When we are approached by a client in Clapham and their requirements are heavily based on performance and aesthetics then straight away we knew that by replacing standard uPVC windows with High performance Velfac V200, aluminium clad timber windows was the way to go.

The overall “U”value has been brought down to 1.0- 1.2 and as an added extra the aesthetics of the property have improved ten-fold. By having the warmth of the timber on the internal of the property and the aluminium on the exterior, we have combined beauty with practicality. These windows are now practically maintenance free with a huge wow factor whenever anybody approached the property.

If you’re looking to upgrade the aesthetics, thermal performance or even the acoustics of your property in Clapham or London then please give us a call and we can point you in the direction of another happy client who can confirm our advice and dramatically improve your property.

Tilt & Turn Velfac Gallery

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